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Exchange rules

1. Terms and Conditions of Service


  • General Provisions
  • This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between and Users of the website. Use, as well as any actions on the pages of the ExchagePool service related to currency exchange, mean that the user agrees to the terms of the Agreement. If you do not agree with the rules set out below, use of the service is not allowed.
  • You hereby agree and confirm that you: have reached the age established by law required to accept this Agreement; you have not been suspended or prohibited from using the Services before.


  • Terms and definitions used in the agreement


  • ExchagePool is a service that provides digital and electronic currency exchange services, located at on the Internet.


  • User – any individual who wishes to use the services of the ExchagePool service and has accepted all the terms of the Agreement.


  • Digital currency – any currency using blockchain technology, as well as other cryptographic or encryption funds.


  • Electronic currency – funds in the accounts of Users of third-party payment systems.


  • Funds – digital and/or electronic currency.


  • Payment systеm – a product created by a third party, possessing a systеm of rules, procedures, and technical infrastructure that ensures the transfer of value from one economic entity to another.


  • Payment – transfer of electronic and/or digital currency from the payer to the recipient.


  • Application – expression of the User’s intention to use the services of the ExchagePool Service by filling out an electronic form through The service website, under the terms and conditions described in this Agreement and specified in the parameters of this application.


  • The User and ExchagePool are jointly referred to as the “Parties”.


  • Currency exchange – the exchange of digital or electronic currency of one payment systеm for digital or electronic currency of another payment systеm.


  • Rate – the value ratio of two exchanged assets.


  • Currency reserves – the amounts of digital financial assets and funds available to the Service for the performance of services. The amounts of reserves are indicated on the Service’s website on the main page.


  • Requisite(s) – a set of values required to make a non-cash payment, credit or write-off of electronic and/or digital currency.


  • Resulting currency – electronic currency that the User receives as a result of the sale or exchange of the Source currency.


  • Currency reserve – the volume of a certain Electronic currency available to the ExchagePool Service at the time of creating the Application.


  • Service website –


  • Entry into force of the Agreement


  • At the moment the application is formed, the User automatically accepts this Agreement, concluded on the terms of the public offer.


  • Any information displayed by the Service on the Service’s website, including that displayed during the Application process, is recognized as a public offer.


  • The Service automatically records the date and time, exchange rate, and direction of exchange after the Application is completed.


  • The Agreement is published by the Service on its website; changes may be made without notifying the User.


  • After the User receives funds in full under the Application, the Agreement shall cease to be effective.


  • Subject of the Agreement


  • This Agreement reflects the services of exchanging digital and/or electronic currency, carried out using the Application form, as well as any other services available on the Service website.


  • The Service has the right to regulate exchange rates, of which it notifies the Service Users by posting up-to-date information on the Service website.


  • The Application created by the User on the Service website specifies the exchange direction, date and time, as well as the total amount of digital and/or electronic currency transferred to the User.


  • Procedure for the provision of services by the Service


  • The ExchagePool Service provides services using the Application form located on the Service website.


  • The Service charges a commission for exchange services. The Service fee is deducted from the amount of the Resulting Currency and reflected in the Application.


  • The ExchagePool Service sets the exchange rate itself and publishes it on the Service website.


  • The Service has the right to set financial and quantitative limits on Transactions. Information on limits is indicated on the Service website in the Reserves section.


  • The ExchagePool Service does not check the legitimacy and legality of the User’s ownership of electronic and/or digital currency involved in a specific Application.


  • The User confirms that the funds and the cryptocurrency address from which the funds were sent belong to him/her and are his/hers legally.


  • After the application has been executed by the ExchagePool Service and the funds have been credited to the User’s account, the User cannot cancel the application and demand a refund.


  • If the User made a mistake in filling in the details and the funds were sent to the wrong details, the application is considered completed and the Service shall not be held liable for it.


  • If the User fails to pay for the application within 30 minutes from the moment of its creation, the Service shall terminate the agreement unilaterally.


  • In case of termination of the agreement, funds received after the deadline specified above shall be returned to the User taking into account the transfer fee, if any. In case of a delay not due to the fault of the Service, the return period may be extended until the circumstances of the delay are clarified.


  • If the Service account receives an amount different from that specified in the application, the Service shall make a recalculation that corresponds to the actual receipt of funds. If this amount exceeds the amount specified in the application by more than 10%, the Service terminates the agreement unilaterally and all funds are returned to the User’s details, taking into account the amount deducted for commission expenses during the transfer.


  • If the User has not received the Funds due to him under the Application within 12 hours, he may demand its cancellation and refund.


  • If the funds were sent to the User, the Application cannot be cancelled.


  • In case of cancellation of the application, the refund will be executed within 12 hours from the moment of cancellation of the application. In case of cancellation of the application not due to the fault of the service, the User undertakes to pay all commission expenses.


  • The Service has the right to cancel the Application and return funds to the User with reimbursement of the commission without explanation.


  • Any violation of the rules by the User gives the Service the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally and refuse service, in this case the funds will not be returned.


  • After the Service refuses to provide service, the User no longer has the right to use the services of the ExchagePool Service. All subsequent applications will be frozen.


  • The Service has the right to request from the User any documents confirming the fact of payment by the User of the Application, as well as in the event of blocking the User’s funds in connection with the AML/KYC policy of the Service. If the User refuses to confirm the fact of payment or verify themselves in the event of funds being blocked due to the AML/KYC policy of the Service, the Service has the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally without refunding the funds.


  • All funds received by the Service and not claimed within 14 days will be lost. Search and return of such transfers is impossible.


  • If the User has specified incorrect details, he has 30 days from the creation of the application to change the details, to do this, he must contact the Service in any way available to him.


  • If the User receives an amount that differs from the amount specified in the application, the ExchagePool service can recalculate the application and process it without notice.


  • The User undertakes to pay any taxes related to digital and/or electronic currencies received from the Service.


  • When the User sends Bitcoin digital currency, The Service will execute the request only after one confirmation of the transaction.


  • The Service has the right to require the User to re-create the request if the digital and/or electronic currency sent by the User was received on the Service account only after 30 minutes from the request creation.


  • The Service cannot be used to conduct illegal transactions. The User agrees to be held liable for an attempt to exchange suspicious funds, in accordance with the regulations of the state within which the violation was committed.


  • If the illegality of the payment is proven, the Service has the right to provide information about this at the request of law enforcement agencies, the payment systеm or the injured party.


  • If the transaction is identified as high-risk, the exchange office may suspend the exchange operation until an inspection is carried out in accordance with FATF standards, in order to combat the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.


  • When paying via YuMoney, the exchange office has the right to freeze the application for a period of 24 to 48 hours for verification payment.


  • ExchagePool service does not work/does not send/receive funds from “shadow sites”. The term “shadow site” means any site that violates/may violate the laws of the Russian Federation. If the fact of sending/receiving funds to a “shadow site” is detected, the funds will be frozen, the client will be blocked, all data may be transferred to law enforcement agencies.


  • Responsibility of the Parties


  • The Service operates around the clock, but does not guarantee operation during hardware problems, natural disasters and any other failures or force majeure situations, and is not responsible for any costs of the User arising as a result of lack of access to the Service website.


  • The Service does not provide any additional guarantees, all conditions and positions are described on the Service website.


  • The Service is responsible for the funds entrusted to it by the User.


  • The Service does not bear any responsibility in the event of errors, failures or any other problems arising on the side of payment systems, and the User’s lost profit as a result.


  • If the service has suffered losses due to the User’s actions, or directly or indirectly related to them, the User guarantees compensation for these losses.


  • The User undertakes not to interfere in any way with the software code or hardware, or any other services related to the functioning of the Service. Otherwise, the User understands that the Service will notify law enforcement agencies of violations.


  • If the Service suspects the User of negatively affecting the operation of the Service, all User’s applications will be frozen.


  • If delays or failure to pay for an application are due to force majeure, the Parties will not be liable to each other.


  • The Service does not serve citizens and tax residents of the United States of America, any applications created in circumvention of the rules will be canceled.


  • The Site does not provide the ability to credit foreign currency to the accounts of currency residents RF.


  • Procedure for resolving disputes and disagreements


  • All disputes and disagreements that have arisen or may arise from this Agreement shall be resolved either on the Service website using the chat with the Operator, or by email specified on the Contacts page on the Service website. After receiving a claim from the User, the ExchagePool Service is obliged to satisfy the requirements stated in the claim within 24 hours or send the User a reasoned refusal.


  • Final Provisions


  • The ExchagePool Service has the right to send the User information about the exchange status to the e-mail specified in the application, since this is an integral part of the process of successful completion of the exchange.


  • All information, graphic images, text, program code, etc. are the property of the ExchagePool website and are protected by law.
  • The Agreement was published on September 23, 2020.
2. Coоkie Policy
  • The ExchagePool website (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure maximum convenience for users by providing personalized information, remembering preferences when browsing the site and its subsequent visits, and helping to obtain the information the user needs. The information we receive through cookies helps us provide you with our services in the most suitable way for you.
  • This agreement concerns the use of information by the Site received from users of the Site. This document also contains information about cookies, the use of cookies by the Site, and how you can refuse such files.
  • A coоkie is a small text file placed by a website on a personal computer, phone or other device of the user with information about his browsing on the website. Cookies store information about your online preferences.
  • Cookies are used for various purposes, including to:
  • • Analyze information about user visits to improve the Site.
  • • Deliver messages and content created by us and third parties on this site and other sites tailored to the user’s interests.
  • • Help the user obtain the information they need.
  • • Determine the number of visitors and how they use our site – to improve the site’s efficiency and to better understand the interests of their audience.
  • Before a website installs cookies on your computer, you will see a pop-up window asking you to consent to the installation of these cookies. By consenting to the setting of our cookies, you enable us to provide you with the best possible experience and service through our website. If you wish to refuse your consent to the placement of cookies, some functions of the website may not work fully or not as intended.
    None of the cookies installed by the site in any way compromise your privacy. In the cookies we use, we do not store personal and confidential information that identifies the user, such as address, password, debit or credit card details, etc. If you wish to avoid the use of cookies on this website, you can disable the saving of cookies in your browser at any time, and then dеlete the cookies stored in your browser associated with the use of our site.
  • Please note: in this case, the display of pages and guidance on using the website will be limited.
    We are not responsible for the content, methods of collecting and processing information by third-party sites, including sites links to which may be published on our resource. Please read the privacy policy of those resources you visit before providing your data.
3. Personal data processing policy


  • General Provisions.


  • This document defines the policy of the ExchagePool website (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) regarding the processing of personal data of website users and sets out a systеm of basic principles applied to the processing of personal data.


  • The Policy regarding the processing of personal data of website users (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) has been developed in order to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation containing personal data and identification of users on the website. The policy applies to all personal data that is subject to processing by the Operator.


  • The policy has been developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and other current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data protection.


  • The policy establishes the procedure for processing personal data of website users: actions for collecting, systematizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, changing), destroying personal data.


  • The policy establishes mandatory general requirements and rules for working with all types of information carriers containing personal data of users for the Operator’s employees involved in servicing the website. site.


  • The Policy does not address issues of ensuring the security of personal data classified in the established manner as information constituting a state secret of the Russian Federation.


  • Terms and Definitions
  • • Personal data – any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or determinable individual (subject of personal data).
  • • Operator – a government agency, municipal agency, legal entity or individual that independently or jointly with other persons organizes and (or) carries out the processing of personal data, as well as determines the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data subject to processing, actions (operations) performed with personal data.
  • • Processing of personal data – any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
  • • User – a user of the Internet and, in particular, the ExchagePool website.
  • • Automated processing of personal data – processing of personal data using computer technology.
  • • Provision of personal data – actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a specific person or a specific group of persons.
  • • Blocking of personal data – temporary cessation of processing of personal data (except in cases where processing is necessary to clarify personal data).
  • • Destruction of personal data – actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore the content of personal data in the personal data information systеm and / or as a result of which tangible media of personal data are destroyed.
  • • Depersonalization of personal data – actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to determine the affiliation of personal data to a specific subject of personal data without the use of additional information.


  • The operator ensures confidentiality and the security of personal data when processing them in accordance with the requirements of the law and does not disclose to third parties or distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal legislation. In accordance with the list of personal data processed on the site, the personal data of site users is confidential information.


  • Main rights and obligations of the Operator and the Subject of personal data.


  • The Operator has the right to:
  • • receive personal data from subjects of personal data and from third parties (persons who are not subjects of personal data), while the Operator fulfills the obligations stipulated by Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”;
  • • independently determine the composition and list of measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations stipulated by the Law on Personal Data and regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, unless otherwise provided by the Law on Personal Data or other federal laws;
  • • in the event of withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data by the subject of personal data, the Operator has the right to continue processing personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data if there are grounds specified in the Law on Personal Data.


  • The Operator is obliged to:
  • • organize the processing of personal data in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Personal Data;
  • • respond to requests and inquiries of personal data subjects and their legal representatives in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Personal Data.


  • The subject of personal data has the right to:
  • • receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, except for cases stipulated by federal laws. Information is provided to the subject of personal data by the Operator in an accessible form, and it must not contain personal data related to other subjects of personal data, except for cases where there are legal grounds for disclosing such personal data. The list of information and the procedure for obtaining it are established by the Law on Personal Data;
  • • demand that the operator clarify his personal data, block or destroy it if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing;
  • • other rights provided for in Chapter 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”


  • Purposes of collecting personal data.


  • The processing of personal data is limited to achieving specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes. Processing of personal data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data is not permitted.


  • Only personal data that meets the purposes of their processing are subject to processing.


  • The processing of personal data of website users is carried out solely for the purpose of providing the user with the opportunity to interact with the website.


  • Information constituting personal data on the website is any information related to an individual (personal data subject) identified or determinable on the basis of such information.


  • Volume of personal data processed.


  • The content and volume of personal data of website users processed corresponds to the stated purposes of processing, as provided in Section 3 of this Policy. The personal data processed must not be excessive in relation to the stated purposes of their processing.


  • The Operator may process the following personal data of users:
  • • source of entry to the site(s) and information about the search or advertising request;
  • • data about the user device (including resolution, version and other attributes characterizing the user device);
  • • user clicks, page views, field completions, banner and video impressions and views;
  • • data characterizing audience segments;
  • • session parameters;
  • • data about the time of visit;
  • • user identifier stored in the coоkie;
  • • last name;
  • • first name;
  • • patronymic;
  • • contact phone number;
  • • email address;


  • The Operator does not process special categories of personal data related to race, nationality, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, health status, intimate life, except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


  • The Operator does not process biometric personal data.


  • The Operator does not carry out cross-border transfer of personal data.


  • Procedure and conditions for processing personal data.


  • Personal data is processed by the Operator in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.


  • Personal data is processed with the consent of personal data subjects to the processing of their personal data, as well as without it in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


  • The Operator carries out both automated and non-automated processing of personal data.


  • The Operator’s employees whose job responsibilities inсlude the processing of personal data are allowed to process personal data.


  • Not disclosure and provision to third parties and distribution of personal data is permitted without the consent of the personal data subject, unless otherwise provided by federal law.


  • The transfer of personal data to inquiry and investigation bodies, the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund and other authorized executive bodies and organizations is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.


  • The operator takes the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, distribution and other unauthorized actions, including:
  • • identifies threats to the security of personal data during their processing;
  • • adopts local regulations and other documents governing relations in the field of processing and protecting personal data;
  • • creates the necessary conditions for working with personal data;
  • • organizes the accounting of documents containing personal data;
  • • organizes work with information systems in which personal data is processed;
  • • stores personal data in conditions that ensure their safety and exclude unauthorized access to them.


  • The Operator stores personal data in a form that allows identifying the subject of personal data, no longer than required for the purposes of processing personal data, unless the storage period for personal data is established by federal law or an agreement.


  • When collecting personal data, including through the Internet information and telecommunications network, the Operator ensures the recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction of personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation using databases located on the territory of the Russian Federation, except for cases specified in the Law on Personal Data.


  • The procedure and terms for storing personal data.


  • The Operator only stores the personal data of Users on the Site.


  • The storage period for users’ personal data begins from the moment of consent to the processing of personal data, obtained by accepting an offer that does not require bilateral signature and is valid in electronic form, and is valid until the user declares his desire to dеlete his personal data from the site.


  • In the event of data deletion from the site at the initiative of one of the parties, namely the termination of use of the site, the user’s personal data is stored in the Operator’s databases for five years in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation Federation.


  • Upon expiration of the above-mentioned storage period for the user’s personal data, the user’s personal data is deleted automatically using the specified algorithm set by the Operator.


  • The Operator does not process Users’ personal data on paper media.


  • Deletion and destruction of personal data.


  • Upon achieving the goals of personal data processing, as well as in the event of the personal data subject’s withdrawal of consent to their processing, personal data are subject to destruction if:
  • • otherwise provided by the agreement to which the personal data subject is a party, beneficiary or guarantor;
  • • the operator does not have the right to process without the consent of the subject personal data on the grounds stipulated by the Law on Personal Data or other federal laws;
  • • unless otherwise stipulated by another agreement between the Operator and the personal data subject.


  • The personal data subject has the right to demand in writing the destruction of his/her personal data if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing.


  • If it is not possible to destroy personal data, the Operator blocks such personal data.


  • Personal data is destroyed by erasing information using certified software with guaranteed destruction (in accordance with the specified characteristics for the installed software with guaranteed destruction).


  • Final Provisions.


  • Control over compliance with the requirements of this Policy is carried out by an authorized person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data at the Operator.


  • Responsibility for violating the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations in the field of processing and protection of personal data is determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


  • In the event of a change in the current legislation of the Russian Federation, amendments to regulatory documents on the protection of personal data, this Policy applies to the extent that it does not contradict the current legislation until it is brought into line with such.


  • The terms of the Policy are established, amended and are cancelled by the Operator unilaterally without prior notice to the User. From the moment a new version of the Policy is posted on the website, the previous version is considered to have lost its force. In the event of a significant change in the terms of the Policy, the Operator notifies users by posting a corresponding message on the website.


  • In accordance with Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is recognized as an offer. In accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the unconditional acceptance of the terms of this policy is considered to be the fact that the user submits an application on the ExchagePool website and consents to the processing of their personal data. Consent to the processing of personal data obtained by accepting this offer does not require bilateral signature and is valid in electronic form.


  • If the User does not agree with the terms of this Policy, he must immediately dеlete his profile from the site or notify the Operator of his disagreement, otherwise the user’s continued use of the site means that the user agrees with the terms of this Policy.
Contacts and support
If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ section or contact our support team via chat, telegram or email